How to format the description field

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The description field supports markdown, so you can format the text as you like. This is useful for adding links, lists, and other formatting to the event description. Or you can just write plain text in the description field when creating an event and your page will look just fine.

Formatting the description field

Writing markdown might feel a bit weird if you are not used to it, but it's a simple way to format the text as you like.

Remember, you can use the Preview button to see how the description will look before creating the event, and you can go back and forth between edit and preview.

Lets get to it!

Here's how to create a heading. Use one or more # symbols to create different heading levels:

Here's an example of how to create a list. Simply use - or * followed by a space to create a list item:

Want to make text bold or italic? Wrap the text in ** for bold and _ for italic:

Create a link by wrapping the link text in [ and ] and the URL in ( and ):

You can also create a blockquote by using >:

If you want to be really fancy, you can even add code snippets by using three backticks followed by the language. Then write your code and close with three backticks:

That's it! You can now format the description field as you like. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me on